Creating Automated Report Subscriptions


SmartPM has introduced personalized subscriptions for reports that can be set up in a global, personal and project level. Please see below how to set them up.


Project Subscriptions - You are able to create subscriptions specific to a project

  • Go into the desired project

  • On the right hand side menu click on Settings then click on Project Subscriptions

  • Give it a name (required) and a description.

  • Select the milestone that the report will be created once that milestone has finished the delay analysis. You can choose from:

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    • All Milestones: any time any milestone is updated in any model, the stakeholders will receive the email.

    • Primary Milestone: any time only the primary milestone is updated the email will be sent.

    • Specific Milestone: you are able to choose the model and milestone combination that we will send the email for. You may select as many milestones as you want.

  • Click on the plus button under Generate Report to choose which reports are sent every time the selected milestone above is updated. This is not a required field, but if no reports are selected, the users will only get a an email announcing that the delay analysis for the milestone is completed.

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    • You can choose as many reports available that you want, just click on the plus sign to add more reports.

    • Some reports require more information, you will need to input those information to complete the setup

  • Click on the plus sign under Notifications to add who will be receiving the reports.

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    • You can choose from company roles, project roles or specific email addresses.

    • You can mix and match any selection, pick as many role groups as you need and add as many emails as you want.

  • Save the notification


Personal Subscriptions - You can create personalized subscriptions for you.

  • On the left hand side click on the User button

  • Then on the left side menu click on My Subscriptions.

  • Every user is going to have 2 pre-populated subscriptions.

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    • Analysis Complete - This is the delay analysis email that you get whenever the delay analysis is complete for any milestone for the projects that you have access to. You can uncheck this box if you no longer want to receive those emails.

    • SmartPM Digest - Check this box and choose the frequency of your preference, SmartPM will send a report with the breakdown of all the projects that you have access to. To edit the frequency of this email, click on the pencil (edit) button, then choose which days you would like to receive it. 

      • The email is sent out at 8 am EST on the day that you choose to receive it

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  • To add new subscriptions, click on the Add button on the top right hand side of the page.

  • Give the project a name (required) and a description.

  • First, you can make filters for which projects you would like to receive reports from based on the metadata. This is not a required field. If no filters are selected the user will receive reports for all the projects they have access to. You can pick as many filters as you need.

  • Then choose the analysis type, this will determine which analysis the email will be based on.

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    • At this level the analysis can’t be as granular as in the project level and you need to choose from more general parameters.

  • Click on the plus button under Generate Reports to choose which reports are sent.

    • Again, if no reports are selected, the email with only the notification that the Delay Analysis was complete will be sent.

    • You can choose as many reports available that you want, just click on the plus sign to add more reports.

    • Some reports require more information, you will need to input those information to complete the setup

  • Click on the plus button under Notifications to select who to send the reports to.

    • Since this are personal notifications, Only me is the only option to choose from.

  • Save the notification.


Global Subscriptions - Only company admins have the ability to create company wide reports.

  • On the main dashboard, click on the Admin link on the left panel.

  • Click on the Global Subscriptions link on the right side menu.

  • Click on + Add Subscription

  • Give the Subscription a name and if you would like you can add a description as well.

  • On the Project section, you can make filters based on the Metadata. You will only get reports that match the metadata filters set up in this section. This is not a required section and you can skip it if you don’t want to set up any filters based on the metadata.

  • On the Run Analysis section, you will need to pick out when you receive the reports. Which means, for example, if you set up the Analysis Type to Primary Milestone, you will receive the reports when the Delay Analysis of the primary milestone has finished completing successfully. This is a required field and you can pick from any of the Analysis points below:

  • Click on the plus button under Generate Report to choose which reports are sent every time the selected milestone above is updated. This is not a required field, but if no reports are selected, the users will only get a an email announcing that the delay analysis for the milestone selected is completed.

    • You can choose as many reports available that you want, just click on the plus sign to add more reports.

    • Some reports require more information, you will need to input those information to complete the setup

  • Click on the plus sign under Notifications to add who will be receiving the reports.

    • You can choose from company roles, project roles or specific email addresses.

    • You can mix and match any selection, pick as many role groups as you need and add as many emails as you want.

  • Save the notification