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Critical Path Analysis

The Critical Path in SmartPM™ is the same as the longest path, based on the network logic contained within the group of activities in the schedule being analyzed. Only the activities that have a total float of 0 days are considered “critical path” activities in SmartPM™.  

Delay is quantified by measuring start and finish variances of activities as compared to the schedule  update that immediately precedes it, as loaded into SmartPM™. Critical path delay is quantified by first identifying the historical critical path of the project (using the “half step” methodology) then by studying delay to the activity during the period it was determined to be critical.

SmartPM™ calculates two indexes to assist users in quantifying critical path delay:

  • “Critical Path Window Delay” (or CPWD): The summation of the net critical path delay incurred in
    each period for all periods analyzed.
  • “Critical Path Relative Delay” (or CPRD): The net effect of delay on an activity / project at a given point of time as compared to the selected “baseline” schedule.