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Add users to company & Set up users Permissions

Now that your SmartPM subscription is live, you're going to want to start collaborating with your peers and granting SmartPM access to others. 

Add User to Company:

  1. Login to SmartPM and select the “Admin” tool from the menu bar on the left
  2. Select Users: You'll see a listing of the users that have access to SmartPM inside your organization 

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3. To add a new user, you're going to click the plus sign “+” to the right of the search box in the upper right part of the screen and you will be presented with the Add User form to fill out. 

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4. Select the user role (see below) and fill out all of the information in the form then click the “Save” button.

5.The user will receive an email with a link to set up a password unless your account has SSO set up in which case they'll just receive a link to login directly via your identity provider.


User Matrix

User Permission List

User Roles:

The first thing you select is the role. There are three roles at a company level

Company Admin: The Company Admin is a global administrator of the system who has access to the admin section, and can see and manipulate all projects that have been uploaded for your company. 

  • Can create projects, scenarios, Quality Profiles
  • Can see all projects
  • Can upload schedules to any project
  • Can access the admin section to add/remove users, quality profiles, metadata, etc.

Company Read Only: Company Read Only users have visibility into all projects. This is something you'd give to an executive that doesn’t need to have the ability to go in and manage the schedules or create different scenarios but who needs visibility into all projects.

If a user needs read-only access to most of your projects but needs admin access to a couple, you can add them explicitly at the project level. Company Read Only users can be given access to any individual project as a Project Admin which will allow them Admin access for the specific project. 

  • Cannot create projects
  • Can see all projects
  • Cannot upload schedules to any project unless their permissions are overridden on the project.
  • Cannot access the company admin section

Company User:  This role is the most restrictive. Company Users cannot create any projects and they won't see any projects unless they're specifically assigned to them. When you assign a Company User to a project, you can grant them either Read Only or Schedule Admin access to that project. 

  • Cannot create projects
  • Can only see projects that they are assigned to
  • Can upload schedules to project that they are assigned to as a schedule admin, if read only then they can only view data
  • Cannot access the company admin section

Company User+Add Project: This role is the same as the Company User roll with the ability to add projects.


How to  grant Read Only or Company Users access to a project:

  1. Log into SmartPM and click on a project, and select the “Settings” tab.
  2. Select the Manage User tab on the left hand side
  3. Click on the “+Add User” Button and select the user you want to add to the project

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4. Next select the role:
    1. Read Only User: Users have the ability to come in view the data and understand what the data means
    2. Schedule Admin: Users have the ability to manipulate the data, make modifications, upload new schedules
5. Click the “Save” button and they now have access to this project. They'll receive an email notifying them that they have been granted access to this project. Once they log into their account, they'll be able to see the project on their dashboard.