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Windows Half-Step Delay Analysis, Advanced Delay Analysis

SmartPM uses the Windows Half-Step methodology to do a day-by-day delay analysis. This video takes a deep dive into the delay analysis table, delay analysis and gantt chart view so you can understand historical critical path and accelleration.

Navigate to the Delay Table: 

  1. From the Company Dashboard, click on the Project name
  2. On the Project Workspace page, select the radio button to the left of the Key Milestone for which you want to do the delay analysis
  3. Click on the exclamation point icon to select Delays

Windows Half-Step Delay Analysis

SmartPM performs a Windows Half-Step Delay Analysis between each period in the Delay Table.

SmartPM takes the first schedule in the time period and updates it with the progress of the second schedule in the period. SmartPM will show what the more recent update in the period would look like if there were no changes made to it. If you did not make any changes to the plan (like change logic or change activities, their durations) analysts would call this pure progress. 

SmartPM will calculate concurrent net critical path delay for certain days for which both activities had a delay. SmartPM will calculate actual acceleration, not planned acceleration. There can also be delay and acceleration for the same activity. 

Review the Delay Table:

  1. To see the specific activities that caused delay or acceleration, click on the blue arrow on the left side of the Period you would like to see.
  2. You will see actual delay and actual acceleration that occurred in that period.

Open the Gantt Chart to see the details:

  1. Click on the blue “View Gantt’ text to see the Gantt Chart view of activities that have caused delay or acceleration.

2.    Click the Legend button to understand the color coding on the Gantt Chart
    1. Blue boxes indicate where progress was made on activities. 
    2. White boxes indicate where progress was not made when it was supposed to be made
    3. Red boxes indicate your actual historical-critical path 
    4. Gold boxes indicate the historical near-critical path. 
    5. Green boxes show where actual acceleration was occurring

You can track the critical path and acceleration by looking at the red and green boxes on the Gantt chart to study how the work progressed.


**If you have any more questions about this topic, please reach out to your implementation specialist at SmartPM and schedule an advanced delay analysis training and learn the exact calculations and how SmartPM performs its delay analysis using the Windows Half-step methodology.**